Week 2 of the TpT Seller Challenge is all about our dreams. This morning, I sat down and had some quiet time to reflect on where I am at in my life, both personally and professionally. Writing down these dreams and reflecting on them over time will surely set me up for success!
With all of the stresses of the world and real life, it is so important for me to have some absolute quiet time to reflect and think. I pray often, as well as read the Bible, but it is not often enough. The Bible app has some great reading plans... that I have started... but never followed through with. This is a huge goal for me, especially when the school year starts in August.
This is another dream that I do really well at starting, but then fall off the wagon a few weeks in. Since I have moved to Mississippi, I have not been where I want to be health wise. I'm sure some of you can relate... during the school day, sometimes all I need is that Diet Coke to get me through the afternoon! I'm hoping that this summer I can quick start eating better and exercising several times a week, which will hopefully follow suit into the school year.
Remember what teaching is all about. This one is so near and dear to my heart. Ever since I was little, I have always wanted to be a teacher. How unfortunate for my younger brothers and sister! When I first started teaching, I was motivated, encouraged, and satisfied. This past year, my fifth year of teaching, I experienced several days where I wanted to leave the profession. Having these feelings was (is?) heartbreaking to me, considering that teaching has been my lifelong dream. Don't get me wrong... I never have these feelings from 7:30am-2:45pm when I am with my students and get to watch them learn and grow. My hope and dream for next school year is to constantly remember why I'm a teacher, and why I could never leave the profession. It is all about the kids. I do it for them.
There isn't much to say about this last one; it is pretty simple! I am ready to lay down my roots, wherever that may be, and do some DIY! There are so many things I want to do in our 4b/2b rental, but it just doesn't make sense to spend that money until we have a home of our own. I'm ready to see what else life has in store for us.
What about you? What are your dreams? If you are not in the TpT Seller Challenge, or aren't even a teacher, I highly recommend you take a few minutes today to reflect on where you're at and what direction you want to go.
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